How to create Framer Code Overrides in 6 steps

January 11, 2024
How to create custom code overrides in Framer
Written by Chris

Framer is a design tool and a no-code web builder aimed at people with a design background. It is a powerful and trending web builder; several massive players have migrated to it.

Interested in learning all about Framer? Here is our complete guide on all features that ship with Framer.

Most of that is correct, except Framer isn’t necessarily a no-code web builder. It can be that, but it certainly can be a web builder where you can implement detailed and complex code.

This article will show you why code overrides are so important and powerful, from basic to deep understanding.

Understanding Code Overrides

Code overrides are bits of code you can add to your design to make it interactive or behave differently.

For example, you can use a code override to change the color of a button when someone clicks on it.

It’s adding custom actions to your design using some code.

Here are some real-world examples of code overrides in action:

  • Changing the color of a button when it’s clicked.
  • Making an element draggable, zoomable, or otherwise intractable.
  • Adjusting the properties of an element based on user input or other events.

Code Overrides are implemented through code, so it might be a learning curve for those new to coding.

Implementing code overrides is done through a coding language called Javascript or its type-safe brother, Typescript.

Javascript is one of the most popular code languages, and there are tons of learning materials for those interested.

To emphasize, code override gives you more control over what happens beneath in Framer, but it isn’t necessary.

You can use code overrides with all Framer plans.

Getting Started with Code Overrides

Required setup and preparations

  1. You need to install Framer on your computer.
  2. You need a Framer account.
  3. A simple knowledge of Javascript is handy.

A step-by-step guide on creating your first code override

1. Install and Open Framer

  • The first step is to download and install Framer through the official website.

2. Create a project

  • Create a project (or open one if you have one ready). If you open an existing project, a tip is to use a project that isn’t live or important to you.

3. Access the code editor

  • Open the Menu (on the top left).
  • Navigate to Code.
  • Click Create Code Override.

Creating a new code override might look like the screenshot below. Don’t worry if it is overwhelming. We will remove much for our code override in the next step.

Screenshot above: A new Code Override might look like this.

4. Write your first code override

  • Let us remove all text in the new Code Override except withHover. We will experiment with it to familiarize ourselves with the code.

import type { ComponentType } from “react”

export function withHover(Component): ComponentType {
return (props) => {
return <Component {…props} whileHover={{ scale: 1.1 }} />

We only have the function withHover left, as shown above.

The code has changed some. We export a function with a hover state, and in the component, we assign a while visitors hover the component; it is scaled up 10% (or 1.1).

In natural language, when we hover a component with this override, it should upscale the component by 10%.

5. Apply the override

  • Go to the Framer editor; in the right menu, scroll to Code Overrides.
  • Select the file name that the Code Override is saved inside.
  • Select the override you want to add (withHover in our case).
Screenshot above: To the bottom is our Code Overrides. I have applied the file Testing with the override withHover.

6. Test the override

  • Press Preview (the black Play button) and test the Code Override.
  • When you hover your component, the code override should upscale it by 10%.

Exploring Code Override Features

Let us explore the different types of Code Overrides you can come across in Framer.

Property Overrides

Property Overrides are used to modify the properties of any element on the canvas in Framer.

Examples can be changing opacity, changing the background color of an element, scaling elements, or rotating elements.

Text Content Overrides

The name Text Content Overrides might reveal that this override changes replace text contents for any text element.

Examples are text that should be replaced with dynamic content (e.g., from an API), language based on the user’s geolocation, and text based on a condition (e.g., logged-in or guests).

Tag Overrides

Tag Overrides lets us alter the tags in elements, like classes or IDs.

It should be noted that altering class or className should not be done as Framer relies on those, and changing them might break the styling.

Examples are adding ID tags to elements if you need to reference specific elements in the code, interaction with Javascript, SEO optimization, and debugging.

Interaction Overrides

Interaction Overrides are used for making canvas layers interactive to allow users to use gestures like clicks, drags, or taps.

Examples are creating custom interactivity that isn’t part of Framer yet, creating reusable interactions that can be used across different projects, and creating complex interaction flows.

Animation Overrides

Animation Overrides is meant to enhance your prototypes’ visual appeal and user experience in Framer.

Examples are valuable visual feedback on user interaction, guiding user’s attention, and creating smooth transitions between different states.

Data Overrides

Data overrides enhance the dynamism of your project, especially data-driven applications.

Examples are real-time data simulation responding to user interactions, more detailed user testing, and display and interaction with data.

Event Overrides

Event Overrides are used to handle events like clicks or taps and can be used to change the properties of elements based on these events.

Examples are immediate feedback for users when they interact with elements like buttons or links, creating interactive design flows, and changing content dynamically based on events the user interacts with.

Component Overrides

Component Overrides allow us to change code components’ properties and interactions dynamically.

Examples are interacting with other elements (e.g., clicking on one element alters another), overriding events with custom interactions, and creating more complex logic in the components.

Best Practices

Till now, you have learned that code overrides are versatile and useful, but to ensure you use them effectively (and maintainably), there are some best practices you should adhere to.

  • Clear Naming Conventions: Always use descriptive names for override functions. This is to ensure that both you and others can understand the code override at a glance. As a developer, I often come across my own code after some time and get confused about what I mean.
  • Use modular code: modular code refers to breaking down complex code overrides into more minor, reusable functions. When doing this, you ensure reduced cognitive load simply because it is so easy to see each function.
  • Avoid hardcoding: hardcoding is when we assign values inside the code at multiple places. It is better to have values inside variables that can be changed once.
  • Error handling: error handling is a best practice for all developers, especially regarding production-ready prototypes. Include error handling in your overrides so unexpected situations don’t crash your prototype.
  • Version Control: version control like Git is handy. It keeps all changes inside a tracking software so you can roll back if needed.
  • Document and comment: Document each change and comment where the naming convention doesn’t cover it all.

Following these best practices gives you the best chance for a robust code override. Remember, often, it’s the users that discover the bugs, not the developer, and adhering to best practices reduces the probability of downtime and debugging.

There are some pitfalls you should be aware of. Beneath is a list of common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

  • Overengineering: overengineering is such a common problem that it even has its own Wiki page. In this context, it is the act of making a code override so complex it can lead to difficulties debugging them and make the code hard to read by others (or yourself). Use modular code as mentioned above, and this can be avoided.
  • Little to no comments: it may be difficult to understand or maintain code overrides without proper comments. It is recommended to document and comment on the code override thoroughly.
  • Ignoring error handling: improper handling may lead to crashes or unexpected crashes. Make sure to use correct error handling.

With that being said, we have a better understanding of best practices for our custom code overrides in Framer.


Troubleshooting might seem overwhelming, especially when there is unexpected behavior in your Framer prototype.

You can debug, identify, and fix problems with a systematic approach efficiently.

Here is a list of tips on how you can troubleshoot your code overrides:

  • Use of console logging: use console.log to print out values and other messages to track the flow of the code. It might seem simple, but even more seasoned engineers use this method.
  • Error messages: pay attention to error messages. They provide massive information, though small in size. Google the error message or ask ChatGPT for guidance if it is too tricky to understand.
  • Check updated documentation: functions may have changed since the last time you created the code override. Even though this might be rare in Framers instance, it can occur, especially on old projects.
  • Temporarily disable code: if separate functions or part of code can be commented out, it might help debugging and finding the issue in the code override.
  • Check typological errors: Variable names, function names, and property names can be mistyped (this can be daunting, particularly at night time). Although we have mistype detection built into the Framers code editor, it can slip through.
  • Test in a simpler environment: move code to a simpler environment and begin to debug, remove, and add code there.
  • Ask for help: we’ve all been there. There’s no shame in asking for help. If you tried all the troubleshooting above, it might be better to ask for help. When asking for help, remember to give every detail and error code that might identify the problem to others.

You can Use StackOverflow, Framer Community, Reddit, and ChatGPT to help resolve your problems.


Code overrides in Framer are a gateway to making your prototypes more lively and interactive. They let you tweak components’ behavior, making your design more real and engaging.

With code overrides, you can add your own touch to the interactions, animations, or even bring in data from outside sources. This way, your prototypes can do more, visually reflecting your final product.

Code overrides encourage you to write bits of code you can use again in different project parts. This saves time and keeps things organized, making it easier to manage your design.

Diving into code overrides is also a learning journey. It’s a chance to get your hands dirty with some coding, especially if you’re keen on learning React, and it helps bridge the gap between design and development.

Documenting your overrides well makes it easier for others to understand what you’ve done. This is great for teamwork, as designers and developers can better understand how components are supposed to interact.

Like with any code, things might not always work as expected. However, Framer provides ways to troubleshoot and fix issues in your overrides, helping you keep your project on track.

The world of Framer is always evolving, and staying updated with the latest practices and features is key. This continuous learning helps you make the most out of code overrides for your prototypes.